Brain Programs
Seizure Free, Naturally
When I had my first seizure, no one knew what it was… but as time went on and the label of “epilepsy” became mine to own as well as the label “doctor”, I realized that even the medical profession doesn’t understand epilepsy, how to treat seizures or the cause behind the brain on fire. Join me and our community to hear things you’ve never heard before about epilepsy and take your life, and brain, by the reins.
Brain Reboot
Is your brain breaking?
Your results in life, from career goals to relationships, will depend on your brain working. Your mood, outlook, focus, ability to remember and even energy will improve with better brain function. That means, you have more patience, faster reactions and decisions, better quality time with your loved ones and your time on earth enhanced by the power of your mind.
This program is the overall reboot with a neurological assessments, easy emotional remaps and natural brain hacks to improve the way you are in the world forever. Neurotransmitter testing, genetic screening and individualized diet and supplements are also available through the Brain Reboot Program.